Headline: Strengthening high seas governance through enhanced environmental assessment processes: A case study of mesopelagic fisheries and options for a future BBNJ treaty

This report explores the challenges of address-ing emerging activities in areas beyond national jurisdiction (ABNJ) through a case study – a hy-pothetical proposal to develop commercial fish-eries in the mesopelagic zone. The case study considers how such a proposal might be ad-dressed by existing global and regional bodies and processes and the potential future role of the BBNJ Agreement.

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Gjerde, K. M., Wright, G., & Durussel, C. (2021). Strengthening high seas governance through enhanced environmental assessment processes: A case study of mesopelagic fisheries and options for a future BBNJ treaty.

https://publications.rifs-potsdam.de/rest/items/item_6000701_8/component/file_6… https://publications.rifs-potsdam.de/pubman/item/item_6001995 https://publications.rifs-potsdam.de/pubman/item/item_6001997
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Strengthening Regional Ocean Governance for the High Seas (STRONG High Seas)