Headline: Technological Options for the Future European Grid

Technological innovations are crucial for addressing the challenges of expanding and operating the electricity grid posed by the ongoing transformation of the energy system and the integration of renewable energy sources in particular. A multitude of technologies are already available, however reshaping the grid goes beyond technological development and is strongly interlinked with broader economic, social, environmental, and political aspects. From this perspective, an integrated energy policy and the coordination of efforts both at the national and European level will be of key importance for the future grid.

Publication Year
Publication Type
RIFS Discussion Papers and RIFS Working Papers

Ferrari, M., Marian, A., & Thomas, H. (2016). Technological Options for the Future European Grid. IASS Working Paper, (Mai 2016).

Staff involved
Projects involved
BEyond State-of-the-art Technologies for rePowering Ac corridors and multi-Terminal HVDC Systems (BEST PATHS)