Headline: Springer Verlag publishes IASS TransGovernance project results

Rio+20 affirmed the global need for more pluralist approaches to supporting key sustainability agenda agents: civil society, business and local authorities and their alliances. Springer Verlag has just published the edited volume emerging from the IASS Transgovernance project that ran from Summer 2010 until Fall, 2011.

Transgovernance: Advancing Sustainability Governance brings together essays on, for example, cultural diversity, planetary boundaries, the growth debate, governance of emergencies and international relations. Edited by Louis Meuleman who directed the TransGovernance project, the new book presents the research findings of IASS fellows Alexander Perez-Carmona, Jamel Napolitano, Falk Schmidt, and Stefan Jungcurt, with contributions by Guenther Bachmann and Roeland Jaap in ’t Veld.

This volume presents contributions from various angles: international relations, governance and metagovernance theory, (environmental) economics and innovation science. It offers challenging insights regarding institutions and transformation processes, and into the paradigms behind contemporary sustainability governance. The essays contribute to transforming classical questions into new options for societal decision making and identify starting points and strategies aimed at effective governance of transitions to sustainability.

The hardcover edition of Transgovernance: Advancing Sustainability Governance can now be purchased and is also available for free download as open access book here.