Headline: Workshop: Technological Options for the Future European Grid

In the last years, the growing energy demand combined with the need to access and deploy renewable energy sources has led to many scenarios to modernise and/or expand the European electric grid in order to accommodate these new challenges. Assessing the current situation and developing innovative sustainable technologies are increasingly gaining relevance, especially in view of the energy efficiency, security of supply, and public acceptance issues that have become apparent in the last decade.

The goal of this workshop at the IASS is to identify technologies that are mandatory for the future European grid, as well as the necessary steps for development and implementation. The attendees will bring in different perspectives on the upcoming technological challenges, for instance the viewpoint of transmission system operators (ENTSO-E, RTE, 50hertz), of the German Federal Network Agency (Bundesnetzagentur), of industry/development (ABB, Siemens), and of various research institutions and associations (RWTH Aachen, Friends of the Supergrid, TU Darmstadt).

Among the covered topics are: possible scenarios for the integration of renewables into the European grid as detailed in the eHighways2050 project, the latest technological developments for electricity transmission, potential contribution of emerging technological options to the future grid development, and the ideas behind a European DC grid and a European Supergrid.

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